Create AWS Metrics and Alarms based on Logs with Terraform

Felipe López
2 min readNov 13, 2021

In this simple post I want to show how to create a metric and an alarm based on log analysis in terraform.

This approach is interesting for legacy services where developers are not really wanting to touch core functionalities.


The example analyses unstructured logs and creates a metric with dimensions based on a text pattern.

Specifically it measures execution time of API calls with a (very) specific https status and triggers an alarm when the value is too high.

The log sample with pattern [DEP GET $STATUS $EXEC_TIME] would look like this:

DEP GET 200 250
DEP GET 200 900
DEP GET 200 550
DEP GET 500 100
DEP GET 500 100
DEP GET 408 1000

The following code creates a metric filter that parses this lines, catches the execution time and classifies the samples by http code

resource "aws_cloudwatch_log_metric_filter" "metric" {
name = "my-metric-filter"
pattern = "[dep = DEP, get = GET, status, time]"
log_group_name =

metric_transformation {
name = "metric-exec-time"
namespace = "metric-namespace"
value = "$time"
unit = "Milliseconds"
dimensions = {
status = "$status"

This snippet creates an alarm that is triggered whenever successful calls (200) are too slow (longer than 800ms)

resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "too-slow-200" {
alarm_name = "too-slow-200"
comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
evaluation_periods = "1"
metric_name = "metric-exec-time"
namespace = "metric-namespace"
period = "60"
statistic = "Average"
threshold = "800"
alarm_description = "200 are too slow"
dimensions = {
status = "200"

Beware of:

  • Setting accurate values for evaluation period and statistic in the alarm
  • To react to multiple http codes, multiple metrics and alerts are needed with different patterns. e.g.: “[dep, get, status = 2*, time]”

I hope this saves you some time! Happy coding!

